Our Coaches

How Can We Help

  1. 30+ Years Combined real estate experience

  2. Combined 250+ Rentals

  3. Combined 150+  Flips

  4. Coaching people in 47 States

  5. Combined teaching/coaching experience 40+ years

  6. Coached 400+ clients to become real estate investors

  7. Facilitated hundreds of small-group coaching sessions to discuss client deal analysis and raising capital

Nate Lambert - Client Success Manager

  • Gets clients set up for massive success.
  • Helped dozens to quit their jobs and become real estate millionaires.
  • Nate flipped over 100 and owns over 135 rental doors, including a dozen Airbnbs. 
  • Partner on several commercial development projects. 
  • He has helped thousands of people in 47 states find profitable real estate deals. 
  • PhD in Psychology & Father of 8 kids
  • World traveler of over 70 countries
Nate Lambert - Client Success Manager
Beckie Lambert

Beckie Lambert - Client Success Manager

  • 20 years of real estate investing experience 
  • 15 Years experience as a commercial real estate loan officer
  • Specialized in commercial projects ranging from $1 million to $34 million
  • Underwritten & funded hundreds of commercial RE projects, including multi-family, office, warehouse, retail, mixed use & self-storage
  • Master’s of Econometrics & Mother of 8 kids
  • Built a net worth of over $2MM before marrying Nate as a SINGLE MOM!

Edmund Fontana - Account Executive

  • Will show you the amazing deal-finding software and get you started.
  • Flipped and wholesaled 40+ deals
  • Part owner of Replace Your University
  • Former Vice Principal and Father of 2 boys
  • Replaced his employer and became a full-time real estate investor.
Edmund Fontana - Account Executive